How do I mentally prepare for race day?
One of the easiest ways for cyclists to prepare for race day is to have a routine. Nothing ruins a race day faster than running around like a headless chicken trying to make final preparations. You have to organize yourself well beforehand, and a routine makes that easier.
A routine gives you a great sense of control because you can use a routine to make sure you have done everything you can for race day. Your mind will then be as relaxed as possible, so make it easy on yourself and create a system.
Are you getting nervous?
A little nervousness is nothing to worry about and is only natural. What you don't want, however, is for nervousness to ruin your day. The kind of nervousness that leaves you lying in bed, hiding, or feeling like you're losing control is not what you need on race day.
We get nervous thinking about our race. This is completely natural, and we will have certain natural reactions regardless of what other people who are experiencing similar feelings tell you. Your heart rate monitor will notice that your heart rate is increased, you will need to go to the bathroom more often, and you will feel a rush of adrenaline.
These feelings are triggered by your body sensing a threat that may be more existential than physical, but is there nonetheless. Your flight or fight system activates. This is easier said than done, but one of the best ways to prepare is to have a pre-race routine.
Why is routine good for cyclists?
The reason routine is so important before a race is because it keeps you focused. It's easy to get caught up in other topics and let your mind wander. We need to focus our attention on what is happening in the present and not wander into possible future situations that may never happen. So the routine is designed to calm your nerves, keep anxiety at bay and prepare you to perform as well as possible.
A quick note: a routine won't feel as successful the first time you try it. You need to use the routine you develop repeatedly, and it needs to fit you, not what your friends or the internet says. The more you use your routine, the more successful it will be.
A Guide to Race Preparation

- Create a training plan. How else are you supposed to be fit for the race if you don't train? The knowledge that you have trained well is a huge relief on race day.
- Bike and equipment. Have your bike serviced in advance, not the day before. Pack your gear as early as possible.
- How do you get into racing? Have you checked that there are no construction sites and have you allowed enough time for the journey?
- Did you eat well before the race? There is no point in just planning race day food. Good nutrition ensures that you can hit the ground running.
- Create a music list for your warm-up. It can get you in the mood just as well as warming up your muscles. Make sure your warm-up program is plausible and tailored to your event.
- After the race. How are you getting home? Do you have any post-race recovery drinks with you?
- Practice these skills and you'll be able to cope with race day much more easily and, if not entirely stress-free, at least much happier.